Monday, September 26, 2011

Peter Docker- sycophant to the Indigenous Australian & disgracefully poor writer!

Most famous actors write biographies in their late 60’s usually in the twilight of their extremely successful careers. Peter Docker is neither famous nor has he had a successful career as an actor although I would say he is in the twilight of his career both as an actor and writer.

Sadly, he also cannot write. This has not stopped him though and “Somebody Else’s Country” is the poor result, unfortunately. The book is more a reflection of Dockers own huge insatiable ego more than anything else and he certainly does not let the truth get in the way of a bad story.

The book lacks body, structure and any serious storyline. It jumps all over the place in regards to its timeline. It also shows why, when you are poorly educated, you should not attempt something as difficult as what Docker is trying to achieve. The whole thing just doesn’t work and is a total shambles.

Peter Docker loves the sound of his own voice- he drones on
and is rather quite boring

There is a slight hint in his work of Peter Carey’s Illywhacker and a bit of Pip Newling in there (another poor writer who should never have been published). I would suggest that Docker has read these authors and tried to emulate them. He will never possess the brilliance of Carey and Newling is a shocking writer.

This book has (supposedly) been feted by both Peter Postlethwaite, the famed but under-rated British actor recently deceased, and Rolph de Heer, Director of Ten Canoes. There is a dedication on the front of the book by de Heer and one on the back by Postlethwaite.

Not only is Peter Docker a poor writer and poet, he also sings & plays extremely badly, but he thinks he's a superstar,
a legend in his own mind!

I would suggest that neither of these men has read this book, rather I would guess that both have come across Docker in his brief acting career and are simply patting him on the back in the usual incestuous way that people “in the industry” do.

It is well known that when you are working in the “industry” you never say anything bad about a co-worker. Ten Canoes was boring and never a mainstream success and this is the same failure Docker will suffer from this lackluster work. As far as Postlethwaite goes, we will never know if he did read the work as he is dead!

I only read 3 chapters and read a few pages of several more hoping the work would get better and some type of meaning would become apparent.

As I got deeper into it, the more confused I became. The book suffers from a stilted, staccato style of writing that fails to impress and only serves to illustrate Dockers lack of a formal education at a level which might enable him to better express himself in writing. Nor does it get his point across. This is obviously a hangover from the teen habit these days of badly abbreviating SMS text messages on their mobile phones.

Docker refers to all of his indigenous friends by their tribal names, and when mentioning a suburb whether it be in Melbourne or Sydney This is patronizing behavior at its worst and after a while, it becomes quite annoying. I too have worked closely with the indigenous community in West Australia and I live in Geraldton, a place where the indigenous population probably outweighs the white.

Most of the indigenous population living in the cities today would not know what their tribal names were, nor the tribal area they came from let alone knowing anything about their local dialect. It is indeed rare and really ridiculous to suggest that Dockers aboriginal friends run around talking in this tribal manner. One gets the impression that Docker has become an indigenous sycophant just to further his ailing career in a burgeoning sector of the Acting industry

How did Docker get this book published in the first place? There is a good chance there was a set government funding allocation for Indigenous work at Fremantle Arts Centre Press. There is also a chance that Docker knows somebody there too and has had a bit of a helping hand. The work has definitely not been published on its merit because it simply has no merit whatsoever.

It would almost seem that Docker is trying to jump on the bandwagon and get work in the newest industry around, the aboriginal rights movement. Just to be sure that he has covered all bases Docker also claims to have been molested by a Catholic priest- how surprising!

Docker tells how indigenous friends adopt him as a son and brother
(one of the matriarchs asking him to call her “Mum”). Docker has a real mother and father and three brothers who no longer talk to him because of these ridiculous references in the book.

Docker also claims to have grown up virtually championing the aboriginal cause single-handedly while a member of a Caucasian family growing up on a farm in the south of Western Australia, it is amusing that none of Dockers immediate family remember any of this happening. Peters parents were always certainly middle class, (one of his grandparents was a politician) and in fact are part owners of Adventure World in Bibra Lake.

He also tells of snorting lines of coke, I think one is fuelling the other. In other words, get off the coke Pete it’s affecting your judgment.

Docker is also claiming that the Mickleberg brothers approached him to write a play. Yes, sure they did, you, me and every other person in Australia who has ever written a play or worked in the industry. The Mickelberg’s have a bad habit of shopping things around as nobody generally wants to touch them, just ask Avon Lovell what contact with them can do to your career!

It is worth noting that Dockers next book was published as an E-Book probably because nobody would be willing spend any money to publish anything more from him after this poor example.

Docker was a speaker at the recent Geraldton writer’s festival, his appearance once again was more a reflection of his narcissistic egotistical personality, Docker loves to talk, as long as it is about himself.


  1. Wow Trev, very upset by this. Very, very disappointed to see you are attacking a family member of whom I love very much. Stupid me for thinking you had changed.


    1. Never try to come across as a sophisticated literary genius when it is plainly obvious that you struggle to write, the diction and grammar is terrible and the story line lacks any form or structure & is just a document totally intent on patronizing the Indigenous community. I really struggled to be take the work seriously. It is one of the poorest books ever published in the history of Australian literature. Total crud that is extremely difficult to comprehend because of his lack of understanding of the English language. He needs to go back to school and go over all his English lessons. As a writer he is a total failure!

  2. its a book review, I am not attacking anybody simply reviewing the book like I would any other

  3. Peter Docker has left himself wide open for criticism by writing the rubbish he has in this book, he is an actor and must be used to reviews. What concerns me is we have trouble with our sons and you have chosen to ignore me rather than to try and sort that out. Peter Docker is big enough to sort his own problems out. Do yourself a favour and read his book, it is utter crap. I am a writer and this is what I do we are not together anymore, you have to let me live my life, this is part of it. Tim Burns the artist and I have created a persona, "The Cultural Terrorist" part of this persona is to maul idiots in the literary and art world. Docker deserves all the critcism he gets but you have to learn to separate your obviously strong feelings for him from my life and yours, when was the last time he paid you a visit, he only lives a short way up the road and was recently in Geraldton, I bet he didn't call in. That is because Peter only has time for one person- himself. As for changing, I am not changing for anyone nor am I trying to.
